Submit your photos and videos for a free gift from Olive & Joyce

Do you love your Olive & Joyce products?

I need your help to grow my business!

Learn more about how a simple photo or video of your lovely face can earn you my everlasting gratitude and a free surprise gift in your next order.


My favourite memory as a child was watching my mum make her skincare in our kitchen. I remember the little glass bottles, the oils, petals, herbs, her tattered recipe book, her customers collecting their orders, her beautifully proud face and their happy smiles.

Like my mum (as small business owner), I now wear all the fabulous hats, constantly producing content to market my products (it can sometimes be a real challenge). This is where your lovely face comes in :)

I am happy to shout about my products from the roof tops as much as I can, as I believe in them and the results they produce for people! I know however, after a while my little voice to some could get tiring. I really need other voices and faces that have experienced these results to vouch for my products too (looking at you haha).

So, please if you are happy with your Olive & Joyce products, it would mean the absolute world to me if you could snap a picture or video of you with your purchases. It doesn't have to be anything fancy and don't worry about the quality! Just something clear featuring my products and your lovely self would be absolute perfection.

As a thank you for sharing your photos and videos with me, I will give you a free surprise gift with your next order from Olive & Joyce.



When you're ready to get snapping, here are some lovely ideas for you:

1. A before and after of your face after using the product

2. Applying the product on your face/body/hands

3. Holding the product and talking or writing about why you enjoy it

Whatever feels right to you, go for it lovely!

From the whole of my heart thank you so much, my small business and dream just wouldn't exist without your amazing support, you all mean the absolute world to me.

All my love
Emily x


Submit your content by using the form below. You'll receive a code to include when making your next order once the form is submitted.